Meet the Movement

Now is a time in our society unlike any other in recorded history 

The books I write & publish are not just entertaining, but also powerful, transformative & eye-opening. Hence, WHY they will Rock Your World. 

We are evolving & changing rapidly as a human species. Rock Your World Books are needed right now more than ever... because they tell THE TRUTH. And, what? 

The Truth Matters

What a GEM you are! For watching this beautiful, handcrafted website trailer til the end!

Meet Her

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JZapp here

Proud American Gen-Xer, Ambassador for Humanity, Ahimsa Agent, World Peace Provocateur

I'm in the business of inspiring   people to jump out of comfort zones & into their best version suits

My job is to encourage others to second guess the status quo. I am here to assist humanity to level up. As we approach The Golden Age of Man, we need thought leaders who can infuse Grace & goodness into the collective consciousness. That's what I do. 

Revolutionary characters show up to help us crack codes, cut cords & move on triumphantly, with bells on 

Everything I teach, speak, write, share, convey & communicate… is a BIG GIANT UPDATE. The old worn-out pain program we have all been so accustomed to over the years & centuries of incarnation upon incarnation… IS FINALLY EXPIRING. Thank God.  

Pain Shmane. Go on way way over there with that B. S. (Belief System)

Meet The Collection

“Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.”

Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

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